So Far, So Good - A message from 2015?

This interpersonal communication class is not going well... I feel like I am becoming actively aggressive in communication toward other people because of how much I dislike this course. I have also discovered that I am a terrible actress; I'm too self-conscious. I was asked to make a video of my responses to some prompts as a way of completing the oral portion of the class, and, in reviewing my responses to edit them all together, I realized that I do not know how to communicate with others in a way that does not seem to have an underlying judgmental tone.

Basically, this class is just reinforcing my sense that I will not advance in business based on my personality.

Now, moving away from the last heavy-handed post about why I need feminism, I have further musings on why I probably need feminism: I have a type. A guy type. A type of guy that I cannot avoid becoming attracted to. Luckily/unluckily this type seems to exist solely in fiction, so I don't have to be too concerned with the idea that this is not a healthy concept of relationships. I have dubbed this type of guy the "good-boy-bad-boy". It's the classic "guy who is so in love with a girl that he would do terrible things for her but somehow manages to seem just earnest and not needy and creepy as a normal person would" trope.

I'll give you some examples:
Jake Ballard (Scandal)
Major Lillywhite (iZombie)
Tom Keen (The Blacklist)
Ethan Chandler (Penny Dreadful)
Michael Cordero and Rafael Solano (Jane the Virgin)

I think I finally understand the appeal of the MPDG. When you're lonely and insecure the idea that someone would invest so much in you is comforting.

Finally, this leads me to my last great revelation that people are investments and it is hard to invest when you don't have extra capital. I've been feeling terrible because I think I am falling short in my upkeep with several relationships and I am using this theory as an excuse to relieve myself of some of that guilt. I'm emotionally, and actually, living paycheck to paycheck. I can't make solid investments right now because I am investing in myself. Maybe this excuses the loneliness as well- though that seems kind of harsh. Should we all be sequestered while we take the time to build ourselves up? Or just the ones who can't manage to do so and try to build up others as well? Who knows...I don't exist in a society of people who have the savings to make investments. Those people seem like fantasies, like the MPDG and GBBB.


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