A Snippette

I have developed this terrible habit of staying up over-night every couple of days. I just find something to do and tell myself every hour that I will go to sleep until I edge so close to morning that it makes no sense to anymore. I am hoping that now that I have a job I will correct this behavior. It seems I spend a lot of time putting faith into my future self.

I've also decided that I'm pretty well over school. As much as I enjoy this campus, I am ready to be in a different stage in life.

Well, maybe I am not well prepared, but I am impatient- this is the term of my readiness. 

Actually, my current classes have been very useful in enlightening me to the fact that I am highly unprepared for the work force. I have spent the last 10 years engaging with it almost completely incorrectly, it seems. I think I knew that in some ways, but I didn't think there would be nearly the same emphasis for networking with lower-level positions as there is. Hopefully this truly does make it easier for me to get a job I like that pays well.

I'm very tired. In a myriad of ways.

The weekend was excellent, however.

I saw Beyonce live and I don't think anything will ever compare to that night for the rest of my life. A very good friend got us very good (/very reasonable) tickets and I will owe her for the rest of my life. When I eventually need an organ transplant, I will not be as grateful as I am at getting to be within a mile of Beyonce. I'm pretty sure I was within a mile...Even if I wasn't- it was great, and I can't imagine any other performer delighting me in the same way. It feels like my ACL tickets were a waste, now. She had like 6 costume changes, a short film, pyrotechnics and fireworks, a moving stage, a live band, and the most incredible dancers. The only two things that could have made the night better would have been to cut out DJ Khaled's opening set and if I had been allowed to murder the girl sitting two seats away who kept trilling after every song. Other than that the night was #FLAWLESS.

The night before was also excellent, as I was happily trashed. I started an argument, flirted with some rando, played a bunch of skeeball. 


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