I've Been Listening to Lana Del Rey

Warm rain has a different sound. A summer scent. Every heavy drop kicks up pollen fallen from its mating dance. Life, in it's adolescence, feels like it's in its prime.

The rolling roars of big cats of the storm break through the quiet midnight sky. The warm rain carries sleep through the day so the night is restless.

Let's catch up: I don't know if I mentioned that I got my mom a smart phone. She uses it to look up the weekly specials at the drug stores. She and my father like a very particular type of instant coffee. It's Taster's Choice, and it's about 8 dollars for a little glass canister she holds tea in when she's finished it. If she's lucky it will be on sale at Walgreens or CVS for 7, which still seems incredibly high for something that in my heart I do not recognize as real coffee. It's nice- but it's as coffee as Tang was orange juice. Or is. I can never remember what has become of Tang- can the drink of the astronauts have really been discontinued at some point? If so- what do the astronauts drink now? Is it Taster's Choice? That sounds dehydrating.

She watches things she chooses herself on Netflix, instead of my picking things at random for them to send her by DVD.

(Side note: the kittens paws are always wet and it is equal parts confusing and disgusting. I know why, she insists upon drinking my dripping her paw in the bowl, but it is made no less confusing by this knowledge.)

The big thing about the open door the smart phone manifested is the introduction to social media. My small tech-savvy side of our family had managed to avoid the burden of hiding from our parents in the ever expanding internet universe, but that window is sliding closed. After she got sick, my mother started reconnecting with her extended family. So I set her up a Facebook. Which necessitated that I expose myself to her family. And I say her family, rather than our family or my family, because I don't know that I have ever seen any of these people and I don't plan on trying to bridge that gap. If I can't manage to get closer to a sibling I idolized for 14 years who has never lived more than 200 miles away I am not getting closer to anyone.

Other new things- I got into Business school at U of H. I'm both excited and terrified because it's the last thing I told myself I wanted to commit to, and it's the last time I can dick around with everyone about what I'm going to do in college.

I told my coworkers at drinks. They were all appropriately excited for someone that doesn't regularly interact with them for most of the day/week/month. I'm honestly surprised to have been invited on some level, but I'm not going to turn a polite invitation down. You always go. Either you'll turn things around and show them that inviting you wasn't such a bad idea after all, or you teach them that kindness is liability and will only lead to uncomfortable situations that are hard for everyone to remove themselves from and they will never go out of their way again. You're improving the world one forced interaction at a time.

The second season of Queen Sugar was released on Hulu this week. It has been as fantastic as the first. If you didn't start the series when I recommended it to you last year- you should now. And be ashamed of yourself for not listening sooner.


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