I Should Have Stabbed You

Yesterday I was obsessed with Cardi B's debut album. Some of it more than others. Then I became increasingly obsessed with the artist herself, because she is weird up on Instagram, I was missing out this whole time. Her reveal on SNL was brilliant and cute. I don't know that she's a nice person, but much like break-out comedic star Tiffany Hadish, she seems like a fun person. She co-hosted the Tonight Show last night and I am currently all about that, especially because he has John Mulaney on and I am a sucker for his dapper mannerisms and effervescent smile. Jimmy Fallon seems out of his element with her trilling, which, by the way, is an amazing sound and I am also disappointed in myself for not absorbing this sound in my brain space earlier. She definitely out oukurrr's Ru Paul, which I think takes skill. The canned laughter is perfect. I need to learn the resting amused/surprised face that she has. After she does something wild she just pops into it like, "What? Why do you look surprised?"

In other things I am obsessed with- I have been watching Flame's Daughter for a week straight. Like literally all my spare time went to this show until I got caught up and could no longer binge. I'm not even sure why. I don't normally go for Chinese dramas, or period dramas, but I am a sucker for people who are magically destined to be together. Unless it's white people- I wasn't here for Age of Adeline (Adelaide?).Although, I actually don't think I've heard of this phenomena outside of Asian dramas and white movies like Benjamin Button (which I was a little more into, but how does one hate on Cate Blanchet when she isn't making a Woody Allen movie?) I am also uncomfortably interested in stories where men are just a little obsessed with the woman they love. Like willing to wait hundreds of years or travel through time/space/across the world or give up family fortunes type of obsessed. This is not a healthy thing to enjoy, I definitely understand this. Nevertheless that is what this show is about- a guy who loved a woman who died so much he sequestered himself to practice martial arts with the gods until she was reborn so he could protect her this time. The whole thing has been him trying to get between her and danger while also trying to reconnect with her because obviously this reborn bitch doesn't know who he is. He's just some dude who keeps getting way too in her space. AND I LOVE IT. I am afraid that it is going to have a sad ending like Uncontrollably Fond, though. Or Scarlet Heart Ryeo. I think I took a break from K-Dramas because I kept getting sad ones. That and I couldn't find anymore with the hotties that I like. I'm pretty devoted to certain actors- this is across cultures.

Now, new stuff:

Killing Eve just started and Sandra Oh is amazing. It reminds me a little of Hannibal, which I was also a little obsessed with because of the mutual obsessions- but the counterpart to Sandra is not a cannibal.

I need to pause because Cardi is dancing in some heels while straight pregnant and I know Beyonce pulled of a tour pregnant, too. I don't want to go dancing on a good day and if I have allergies I am down for the count. If we were all under illusions- I think it's cleared up that I could never be a performer.

And back to Killing Eve - the first episode is online at BBC America for free. Just go watch it. It's nice to see a woman who is competent and self-assured from the jump. It's great to see her coworkers have to catch up. I cannot wait to see the next episode this Sunday, I hope they keep giving them to me for free.

A.P. Bio is from my boos Seth Meyers and Mike O'Brien...who I actually did not quite remember, by name. I eventually put together that he was another SNL alum I love. The show is great. It follows a pretentious, snarky Harvard Philosophy PhD as he comes to terms with a fall from the privilege and prestige he had become accustomed to. He spends a lot of time working around blaming other people for his problems through the assistance, sometimes by lack of assistance, from the students he refuses to teach. It's a fun show if nothing else.

Champions is the amazing follow-up project from Mindy Kaling. It is a little less charming, but the child star is truly a child star and he lifts the show in every scene he's in.

Rise - also known as sad Glee- is growing on me, but only because of AuliÊ»i Cravalho being one of the most charming and unassuming performers I have ever seen. Like I said, there are some actors I am very willing to support even if they are in shows with someone from the cast of How I Met Your Mother.

I feel like there is another new show I've tried and liked that I am missing.

There are definitely a few I wouldn't bother with:

Good Girls - I incorrectly assumed was a comedy because Retta is one of the stars. And I LOVE Retta, but this is not one of those things I can power through. I don't love Retta enough. It felt like it was going on forever and wasn't particularly funny. I was surprised when I noticed I had been sitting through 45 minute episodes- which meant it was definitely intended to be a drama, because I can't think of a show (other than Orville) that was 45 minutes and could be billed as a comedy. I don't know why, really- but comedies are always 22 minutes. Maybe after 22 minutes we just can't take it anymore and everything stops being amusing. Once there were long-run comedies, but they drove people into deep depressions so they had to be cut down. People just don't want to be happy for longer than 22 minutes at a time. Unless binge watching. Anyway, the show is about struggling middle-class women getting involved with sketchy Hispanic people, and it seems a little much in the current political climate to still be using Hispanic people as conning gang-bangers.

Deception - is not worth really going into. It stars the same British guy from Cooper Barett's Guide to Life which was also horrible. He's kind of attractive, so I don't really understand why he keeps playing American douche bags instead of using what he's got.

Cool- so that is our media wrap up, which I have not done in bit, and I am kind of glad to get back to.

I feel like I need to go back through my posts to do some editing clean-up. I'm like, almost there - motivation wise. I think I've been trending a little man-hating, which I feel is reasonable. I know there was a period of obvious delusion. I think that's going to be the hardest to go back and edit for typos, because I'll be compelled to edit for madness and rewrite my mindset at the time.


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