To Be Alone With You

I am- as ever- in my own desperation- obsessing over Sufjan Stevens.

Neurograd and I discussed, in a span of texts that hardly qualify as discussion, our mutual affection...except that he kept referring to him as "they" as though he were a band...and let the typo of Surfjan Stevens slip through which I found to be an amazing concept. And I truly hope there is somewhere out there a weird Beach Boys surf-rock style cover band playing Sufjan Stevens music. This error was further improved upon when I told him this and he said he read "Beastie Boys" in my text at first and was truly confused. And that, a Beastie Boys surf-rock Sufjan Stevens cover band would be truly confusing and completely magical. I want to live in that world. Age of Adz can be so discordant anyway.

It has occurred to me that I will likely never meet my hero. Or even get close. I read this article as I decided to look into the religious undertones, or regulartones, of Sufjan's music because I felt maybe I was missing some meaning having never experienced religion first-hand. I don't feel I'm missing much, I just like knowing things. I actually skip the songs that are most outright in their religious fervor. I can't listen to much of Seven Swans.


Here are a series of updates:
Neurograd and I split...if one can split from something so casual. I suppose it just met it's logical end.

I was very upset initially. In shock, really. Primarily because he made it clear that it wasn't just that he wasn't that into me, but specifically that he was choosing someone else when he texted that someone else had asked him to be exclusive.

Now I have the book I stole. And I don't know how to get mine back. I do really like the book I borrowed...and it, a few good science stories, and the knowledge that the raccoon does eventually get the cotton candy have made the experience worthwhile. On the whole it wasn't exactly unpleasant. Definitely the best app-based dating experience I have had so far. He was pretty respectful, occasionally got a good joke in... but we really had very little in common. He didn't own a TV. Did I tell you he didn't own a TV? Do you know how important TV is for me?? That I almost settled into something with someone who doesn't own a TV because he was nicer to me than other people have been does not speak well to my personal growth...

With almost everyone the bar has been set very low. I can only think of one person for whom the bar has been higher, although not unattainably so, and who I have been willing to walk away from when they fell short. I don't know if that's exactly fair. It's strange from an objective point of view.

And that story is for another post


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