
Okay, so....

You have to binge On My Block IMMEDIATELY if you have not already. I am typing this through heaving sobs, it's so tragically fantastic.

I will admit, that since my last post I still have not slept. And I know that does things to your brain parts and the emotion parts of your brain parts. I think this is more a product of how completely blindsided I was by the way this show evolved. It totally maintained the sometimes cheesy over-dramatic dialogue that I thought initially made it seem campy (probably, mostly, because I am using that term incorrectly.) But it transforms in these brilliant and meaningful ways that I just did not expect. It's a coming of age comedy, mixed with, what I assume, is the authentic drama of living in an LA hood (I have only ever lived near Houston hoods, so I can't like, definitively say it's authentic) and this insane treasure hunt. The characters are smart and have depth beyond the stereotypes they draw from, but there's sort of absurdist elements to a few of them. I can't believe what I just experienced. So goofy. So brutal. And the worst part is that I have no idea when the damage of the cliff-hanger ending is going to be fixed. Is surreal realism a thing? When I googled it "magic realism" came up, and that is not what On My Block is. If surreal realism was not a thing, On My Block made it a thing. I feel so late to the game.

I generally don't use Netflix as much as Hulu. I should probably check out Glow at some point, too. I have heard this season has been really good.

I feel like I said a lot of nothing about On My Block, but I don't really want to spoil too much. I think part of what made it so captivating was going in relatively blind. I had heard good things, but mostly about the diversity and generally excellent writing. I think that some individual scenes or dialogue could be a little chewy, but the story-line development is just so on point...I don't think I've experienced anything quite like it. You just have to watch it. You have to, have to. If you haven't already watched it because you're better than me.

I should get some sleep.

I'm kind of grateful now that the stupid rom-coms I wanted to garbage watch weren't working. Strike that. I'm really grateful. I'll probably try again tomorrow, but this show was a way better find than I can foresee any of them being.

TELL ME IF YOU CRY. My eyes are still watery.

Also, the soundtrack is pretty fantastic.

I found a fun new pop song.


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