High Horse
I need to get a skinny European boyfriend so I can call him my Blonde Flat White. As I have finished dinner I realize that I cannot become a rapper, because if I nervous-vomit before my rap battles I have no explanation for why there is celery in my mom's spaghetti. I don't think this is something that other rappers would just let slide. I certainly wouldn't. "Bitch, did you have papaya in- what...Shepard's pie?! Hell naw, I don't play with this." She might be a culinary genius. I do like the play on texture. It's been really hard to get myself into writing lately. I have a lot to do. I have three group projects that I don't completely understand. The amount of interaction I am being forced to sustain is becoming overwhelming. Outside of that I've been trying to foster good, consistent people-seeing in an effort to aid my socialization. I'm feral and I need puppets to play with to prove I can come inside the house. Before I go...