Jaden Smith

It feels like ages since I've written something for you.

I finally stopped sleeping with the light of the television on. Then I woke coughing and saw the kitten, in the darkness, looking into her room from the hall.

Now there is no amount of light on the shores of the conscious that will make me feel safe to sleep. I've been sitting in the dim off-white glow of my dining room/bedroom anticipating my murder. It's been about 12 minutes.

It was warm when I woke up. The chill of exhaustion is once more wrapping around, but I can't shut my eyes comfortably. Whatever is hiding in the other rooms will come for me. I don't think I can fight. I suppose, I patently know I have not been tested in this way, so it is unlikely I would be skilled at it. Every few weeks the issue of hand-to-hand combat pops into my head, but I haven't had the money or time to go about really training for apocalyptic scenarios. Or assassinations that seem entirely baseless.

I guess there's that video of the girl who threw a guy who groped her as she was waitressing. There are practical applications to self-defense, I suppose, other than keeping the demons the kitten mews at at bay. I wonder if the light flickered. Am I glitching? Is that the signal of their approach? I'm so very tired. I'll post this before I lay back down, just in case.

The kitten is still watching something in the depths of her room that I cannot see. It lurks around the corner of the far side of the house. The more I stare at her the more I begin to question her existence. She twitches as she watches, and the subtle movement appears like hot waves off the sand of a mirage. What is not provably an illusion?


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