I have finally started editing this thing, which means that I am re-reading this thing. I am incredibly boring. And I was far more boring in the beginning, which I guess is growth I should appreciate. God, those first posts are fucking awful. Not that it's become gems of insight and hilarity since, but- ugh, I was so terrible. I am reassured by the idea that I will either, in the future, feel I've grown from the person I am now, or figure out this was the most interesting I have ever been. And the most well written/ communicated. Also, I didn't use enough commas, so I think I'm overcompensating now. I will never understand commas. I am pretty sure I addressed that in an earlier post, but I haven't gotten there yet. I had to stop after the first five "episodes". I am comforting my sense of failure by listening to 'The Only Thing' on repeat, because I am definitely going to drive this car half-light jack-knife into this canyon at night. Death comes...
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