
My housewarming party was a success. Unrivaled and unwarranted.

The Kitten scratched me, but that was the furthest extent of failures for the evening. She has since calmed down and feels secure, nuzzled in the newest, and softest, addition to our blanket collection.

Have I mentioned that Dig is the single most thoughtful and amazing human being I know? He is.
He brought three house warming gifts- two of which were puns. A candle, a blanket, and a wine holder. I feel like the wine holder is a pun as well, but I'm too stupid to get it. He's a literary genius. And the singular best guest in the world. You would be lucky to have him show up at one of your parties. I'm a little surprised he made time for mine.

But enough of fan-girling Dig. Lies and Coll were also in attendance and they were looking fierce. Lies reminded me that I need to thrift/second-hand shop a little more often because the flared skirt she had on was killer and definitely not bought full price. Fast fashion is killing the environment and third world cultures, but I am poor and want to look nice so I can't feel too bad about it. Coll also looked amazing in a shimmering ruby top. She did her nails while she was here. The whole thing felt so familiar and casual, I am so pleased. And a little bit drunk. I wonder what percentage of my posts are done mildly intoxicated.


I need to send my voter registration this week.

Tehya and Rob made it as well. It was lovely. Rob went along quite well with our watching Drag Race. Tehya was gorgeous as ever. She also appears so put together.

I feel as though I was not the best host. I did make a sangria that everyone seemed to enjoy. And I am glad. It is my favorite sangria recipe- it includes a jalapeno white wine so it has a slight spiciness to it! I feel like its the one unique thing I have presented to the world, although I am sure someone else had the same idea at some point. I just am not together enough to have looked it up. I bought some pizza. A tiny vegan one for Laura, but she wasn't able to make it because I lost track of my phone. I'm truly terrible some times. The pizzas were all kind of small. The one I assumed would be large was just two pizza crusts stacked on each other, Maybe I should have just bought another medium pizza. But they called it the mega pizza so I assumed it would be bigger, not deeper.

They liked my mood-board/collages. I am warm with love as much as wine. It's a nice and unfamiliar feeling.

I just wanted to let you know. Things went well.


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