At The Year's End

It's been two months since I started my newest job, the fall semester is over and Christmas is less than a week away now.

This morning I woke up much earlier than I am used to (7:30am), read my newest obsession (Gangsta.), had a light breakfast of eggs and a burnt cinnamon roll, and went for the world's smallest jog. I feel somewhat accomplished for the day. Having completed so much already I decided it was time to pull the trigger and finish up some blog posts- this I started somewhere around Thanksgiving:

It has been a month since I started my newest job.

Frankly, I love it. It's the best environment I have ever been in (even if the benefits aren't that great.) It's strange being so satisfied at work. It's taken a lot of my normal anxiety away, which makes it super weird that I've developed a habit of pulling out my own hair, but maybe now that I have no reasonable anxiety I've graduated into a super-anxiety an unconscious, deep-rooted anxiety with no trigger. My hope is that this too will dissipate if I just start working out or something.

How funny to get to update on something that was definitely very problematic! I did make three small bald spots before I made a conscious effort to avoid pulling at my hair. I've graduated to occasionally rubbing my scalp for a little longer than is properly normal. As far as I know this is not causing any damage and my hair seems to be growing back well enough so I'm pleased to be past this newest episode of whatever the fuck is currently wrong with me.

I also bought this awesome little scalp conditioner  from Amazon that I have been really enjoying even if I don't use it as often as I probably should. It feels cool and tingly when you put it on because of the tea tree oil and I am a big fan of that sensation. It's not at all as heavy as you would expect from a creme, either!

Finally I have some ideas for another blog that I am going to hopefully execute tonight. It is a lifestyle blog for twenty-somethings who aren't really sure what a lifestyle should contain. I'm pretty excited but I think I am a little in over my head. I did successfully complete my Christmas cards though so I think I'll just ride that wave of productivity.

If I don't see you again before New Year's Eve- Happy New Year!


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