My Kink is Karma: Wishing You The Best in The Worst Way
It's been a week. But when was the last time it wasn't a week? Obviously by that I mean when was the last time I didn't spend the work day grinding my teeth and wondering what is the point if there's always a life-changing disaster looming? Years are days and days are years of frantic dread. And anger. Blood boiling anger. I want to boil my enemies in pools of their own blood. Starting small: how are companies still asking for 3-5+ years of experience for every fucking position? Can we not all get over ourselves, please? Everyone knows their office is 50% people who are completely incompetent, and if you don't think so it's probably because you're one of those 50% No shade. People who are not good at things deserve to survive. And a lot of them are. A lot of really stupid unqualified white men are thriving. So let's just chill out with our fucking skills and experience required sections, can we? It's also already way too fucking hot and I'm alre...