A Date With Sufjan
Originally- Awkward Conversations and Sliding Doors were going to be two separate posts. I now realize I should have named the post that, it would have made more sense...but there's no going back. The internet is forever. Or until the nuclear fallout...whichever comes first I guess. Awkward Conversations was actually going to be about, I suppose, 5 different guys I was talking to at the same time? One of whom I completely forgot about, and feel pretty guilty for that. Only two were actually mentioned: Robert and Bastien. The other two: Emre and Ardeshir (Arde) were unfortunately not as prominent characters by the time I finished the post. Time seems to be moving in a break-up pace, and there's no accounting for when anything is occurring and what will be relevant anymore. There's now a new batch, of which only one really stands out: Oliver, who is a nice little IT guy and very talkative and perhaps the only guy I've ever thought looks better without glasses. I should ...