
Showing posts from August, 2019

This Is My Design

I like to think that there are few people who are truly malicious. In a general sense, I think it's probably better for everyone if bad things are just a mixture of woefully careless behaviour and passion. The intent is seldom there to do harm. At least, perhaps, consistently? I did a little reading for a law school event that was about intent- and the brush of legal intent is a large one. It is reasonable that we would want a wider stroke to work with, because criminality can be so nuanced. Pain is so personal. If intent were terribly difficult to trace then the legal system would probably be even more uneven in its distribution of justice. As individuals, outside and around this we can read further into the intent. That's probably how things should work through- a path that narrows toward empathy and rehabilitation. So, it is my belief that there are not as many people in the world who truly do things with the sole purpose of amusing themselves as all the dating profiles ...