
Showing posts from March, 2015

Right Now- Top Thoughts

This blog needs some re-formatting. I will get to that when I have more time/motivation. Right now it's hard enough pushing myself to type...which reminds me, I should paint soon. Right now, I should be studying for my first Exam of my rehabilitated college career. Predictably, I have studied about 0.25% today with an average of 5% over the course of the course. If I get any higher than a 70 it will be further proof that life is not fair and I am an implement of it's prejudice. A disturbing position to be aware of as a minority woman. Instead of studying, I am considering how quickly I am going to dump Netflix when HBO unveils it's own streaming service and whether I will make the investment binge watching the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt before I do so. Opportunity cost. In case I did not previously mention, I am taking Macro and Microeconomics right now. My largest problems with the courses are the arrangement of vowels in them and the concept of opportunity cost. It...

Last Week Today- A Brief Recap

In the almost six months between my initial post touting that I need more writing practice and seek to improve my life style I have gone through a lot of "phases." Most notably, the phase I keep trying to transform into a habit: cooking. Here are some of the better products of ruining Pinterest's attempts to help me be a human being: It's shrimp with kale, zucchini and cherry tomatoes in a cheesy pasta cage! Stuffed green peppers and avocado rice!  And finally, a quiche I really enjoyed that was easy to make and would make again. Kale, corn, cherry tomatoes, cheese and turkey bacon. If I wasn't currently inclined not to move at all I would definitely cook this. And the before quiche. Enjoy.  I don't think any of the characters in the show will know how to cook, primarily because I don't need this exercise making me feel worse about myself somehow.

It's Been Literally Forever in Blog Years: Some More Honesty

It has been a while, blog. I've considered starting a website. I have a facebook page for my designs which is a step in a direction I suppose... Many theoretical posts and inner monologues have passed. Many rants. Many entertainment blog articles gone comment-less. Time moves on and past my fleeting romances with my own creativity. But I have seen one too many gif compilations of Nicki Minaj, and recently came down with bronchitis, which means now is the time. It also helps that I am about half way through my first semester back at school, approaching my first mid-term and running low on Hulu programs I honestly want to watch enough to prevent myself from studying. That run-on alone should make me reconsider my stance on procrastination toward this exam. Honestly, though, I had a thought I really wanted to share. It occurred to me that I have had my share of bizarre self-inflicted early-twenty-something struggles but proudly holding an ...